ネタ帳 レベル2(やや易)


"Famichiki" is a popular food item available at Japan's convenience store chain, FamilyMart. It is a type of Japanese fast food made from chicken. Here's an explanation of "Famichiki" in English:

"ファミチキ" (pronounced as "famichiki") is a Japanese fast-food item offered at FamilyMart, a convenience store in Japan. It features a crispy outer coating and juicy interior, using chicken meat. Typically held in hand for consumption. Famichiki is a convenient and popular snack or quick meal option for people in Japan's busy daily lives. Famichiki offers a variety of flavors for a limited time, allowing you to enjoy different tastes.


Word List

available 手に入る

crispy パリパリした

outer coating 外の皮(外側を覆ったもの)

juicy interior 中はジューシー

quick meal 簡単にとれる食事

for a limited time 期間限定




-ネタ帳, レベル2(やや易)